[국외]#Surgical palliation of unresectable pancreatic head cancer in elderly patients.
[국외]#Impact of delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy after percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage for patients with complicated acute cholecystitis.
[국외]#Outcome of laparoscopic cholecystectomy is not influenced by chronological age in the elderly.
[국외]#Quality of survival in patients treated for malignant biliary obstruction caused by unresectable pancreatic head cancer: surgical versus non-surgical palliation.
[국외]#Pre-operative predictive factors for gallbladder cholesterol polyps using conventional diagnostic imaging. Choi JH, Yun JW, Kim YS, Lee EA, Hwang ST, Cho YK, Kim HJ, Park JH, Park DI, Sohn CI, Jeon WK, Kim BI, Kim HO, Shin JH. World J Gastroenterol. 2008 Nov 28;14(44):6831-4.
[국외]#Significance of palliative gastrojejunostomy for unresectable pancreatic head carcinoma.
[국외]#The hemostatic effect of endoscopic sodium hyaluronate injection in peptic ulcer bleeding.
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